June 1990
   Praise can go President Bush and President Gorbachev striving for cooperation and away from competition and distrust. They declared that the cold war had come to an end. They signed a trade agreement which was a major concession to Gorbachev because of his burdensome economic problems at home and a five year grain sale sought by the American farmers. We do no understand Gorbachev move on Lethuania, yet that is no reason for us to withhold any good thing. We can not hurt another without hurting ourselves. Any agreement in nuclear arms that will “enhance the stability and reduce the risk of war” would be good. Also any help that can be given to push the move for the glabal ban on chemical weapons are helpful. It is great that President Gorbachev, seeing what the large military spending is doing to his country, has taken leadership to lower that spending.
   Sunday the 3rd of this month was designated as “Peace with Justice Sunday.” We are seeing the countries recently moving toward democracy threatened by economic problems. They are asking, can this new freedom bring food and other things for a good life. The peace in their countries depends on obtaining a stable economy. One has stated that God and man are getting mighty tired of the concentration of wealth in the hands of the few and the impoverishment of many. We must learn to distributed our wealth more widely, to raise the level for all. Imperialism in economics, in politics, and in international relations works out wrong and ends up in tensions, conflicts and war. May we open our lives and that of our Nation to the Way of a better society: the Kingdom of God.

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